Dare to be different in 2020

February 15, 2025

In business, as in life, most people copy one another. Like sheep. I often get new clients coming to me for help with Google advertising, who point to one or more of their main competitors and essentially say “copy what they are doing.”

This week, it has happened again. A client is setting up a new business and has told me to study his largest competitor to get ideas for his advertising. Sorry to say, this is always going to be a recipe for mediocrity.

So, instead of just copying his competitor, I’m going to encourage this client to take some time to figure out what makes his business different and unique from others. Then he can advertise with a genuine point of difference.

The reality is, it’s never been tougher to advertise online than it is today. And it’s only going to more difficult, as marketplaces get increasingly crowded by newcomers.

It can be a struggle in business. Every now and then, you will feel you’ve had enough. That’s normal in anyone’s life. But when it’s your business, you can’t let this feeling go on for too long. If things aren’t working, you need to fix it fast.

The big problem, fixing your business these days is who do you ask for help?

There are plenty of agencies but they usually want your blood and contracts upfront to help you.

The web marketing industry is now awash with experts with no real expertise who are promising the earth, despite their limited know-how.

The social media gurus are telling you to create accounts, fill them with content and the clients will come. The problem is they don’t.

Some businesses are so confused, they end up doing nothing, and just rely on hope that the clients or customers will come.

Here’s what I have learned after being in the web marketing business for more than 15 years.

You need to create something unique, fresh and different that sets you apart from everyone else in your industry. This applies both to your advertising and also the way you deliver your products or services – the customer experience.

Just copying everyone else is not going to work, and will work less and less. Take some time to really think about the future direction of your business. I’ve been doing this myself over the Christmas and New Year break.

To be honest, it’s become tougher and tougher in my market to gain any traction with Google Ads. The cost per click is going up and up. More and more competitors are running Ads that look like everyone else.

I’ve just launched a new advertising campaign for my own business, where I have positioned myself as unique from everyone else offering Google Ads consulting services.

I’ve gone from trying to appear like a larger agency, to just me – Chris Mole, Google Ads expert. And I’m offering what I believe is unique in my industry – the client pays no fees until they see results. (Most agencies demand payment upfront for the setup fee before they will start work).

My ad now reads –

Chris Mole Google Ads Expert | Fees : Pay After Results
45-Day Profit Guarantee. Pay Only After You Know the Ads are Working.
Managed 100+ Google Ads Accounts Since 2008. Many Clients With Me 5+ Years.

This is unique – and difficult for anyone else to copy. I doubt many other agencies will have the courage to offer that kind of guarantee.

So, if you want to make 2020 your best year yet, take some time to think about what makes YOUR business unique – and dare to be different.