When you are doing business online, it’s absolutely essential you come across as credible and trustworthy on your website. Trust is the essential lubricant that allows business transactions to take place, in the physical world and in the online world. Keep reading »
Internet Marketing
‘Borrow’ ideas from other successful websites
I have worked closely with one of New Zealand’s most successful direct mail marketers. He’s been in the direct mail business for almost 40 years and made a lot of money. The first time I met him in his office, I was intrigued to see all kinds of advertising material, from all over the world, lying on his desk. Keep reading »
How to find your own Unique Selling Proposition
If you’ve read any books on marketing, you will have heard of the concept of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). It is one of the most important elements in your sales message. It will influence your headline, and every other word you write on your website. Keep reading »
The ‘Most Wanted Response’ is the single most important part of your website
The term ‘most wanted response’ was coined by Ken Evoy, one of the most influential thinkers in the early days of Web marketing.
Here’s what it means. When someone visits your website, you want them to do something. You need to ask the question: what is it that you most want your visitor to do? Keep reading »
Web Marketing 101 – traffic x conversion = sales
When you strip away all the hype and nonsense from selling on the internet, it comes down to a simple equation:
traffic x conversion = sales
To put this in plain English…
- traffic is the number of visitors to your website.