The latest fad in web marketing is known as “content marketing”. Essentially, this means providing lots of content for Google to find, so your website will get a high ranking in the search results. Oh and of course, people will read the content too, building your brand and online reputation. Keep reading »
Search Engine Optimisation
SEO – The Truth You Need to Know
So much nonsense has been written and promoted about SEO (search engine optimisation) that the ordinary business owner can be forgiven for feeling confused.
If you’re a typical New Zealand business, you probably get several email offers every week from SEO agencies around the world, offering to get your website onto page one of Google. Keep reading »
The Practice Formerly Known as ‘SEO’
If you’ve been around internet marketing for any length of time, you’ll be aware that search engine optimisation (SEO) is truly a minefield. You may have been stung in the past by an SEO company that promised the world and didn’t deliver, and you probably get regular offers in your email inbox from SEO companies in India etc offering to get your website onto page 1 of Google. Keep reading »
Should you write your website content for Google or for humans?
I was meeting with a prospective client yesterday and he proudly showed me several pages on his website that had been written for “SEO” – to get his site ranked highly in Google.
It was a classic example of web content written for the search engines. Keep reading »
The simple (but not so easy) secret to SEO
Google has made it very clear what it’s main objective is – to provide people searching the Internet with the most relevant information possible.
If you’re a business owner who wants to get your website ranked highly in Google’s search results, you need to ponder on this. Keep reading »